The Stress to Success Formula
Transform your life, career, and business now!
Are You Ready to Instantly Start Living the Stress-Free Lifestyle? Do you want to conquer this silent killer before it conquers you!
This book and the "stress to success formula" are dedicated to you...a unique, courageous, often uncertain and floundering seeker of answers, the right answers...who is struggling to overcome stress and wants, with all of your heart and soul, to transform your life, so that you can live a full, meaningful and joyful life!
"This is more than a book! It's a movement to change the world by saving lives...one life at a time!" ~Dr Marilyn Joyce
You're about to open your parachute - and fly stress free through the rest of your life. You see, this book is like a parachute. And, as the saying goes, "It's no good (the parachute) unless it's open!"
The Stress to Success Formula was launched to #1 International Bestseller on August 10th! Now it's time to launch your "troubles into triumphs and your stresses into successes" and to... Stop Stress Now! The link below is your first step towards your stress free life!
Introducing: "The Stress to Success Formula" - a 9-Step Formula that will T.R.A.N.S.F.O.R.M.™ Your Life NOW!
Are You Ready to Transform Your Stress-Related Troubles into Triumphs & Your Stresses into Successes?
Then without question, this "stress to success formula" is for you if you find yourself craving a thorough and dramatic change in one area, or several areas, of your life...or if you want a complete overhaul of every aspect of your life!
Furthermore, the stress to success formula is also for you if you're fed up with that constant overwhelming feeling of any or all of the following:
Stubborn Belly Fat, Fatigue, Headaches, Migraines, Stomach Aches, Diarrhea, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Food Allergies, HBP (high blood pressure), High Triglycerides, Insomnia, Fear, Frustration, Moodiness, Irritability, Anger, Fuzzy Brain, Lack of Concentration, Memory Loss, Anxiety, Stress...debilitating Depression...or soul destroying PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)...and the list goes on!
So now, you're about to create, in your real day-to-day life, what was once only a dream...a stress free, happy, joyfully productive life, career, and business (if you have one). This is possible for anyone...if they just have the right practices, systems, tools and strategies to make it happen! And in today's world we want them to be simple, quick, easy and effective! Right? Well, hop on board for the ride of your life!
But first off, here's a few important questions to get you started before you open your own parachute (this book!):
- Did you know that it only takes 5 minutes (or less) to completely tame that darned stress tiger?
- Did you know that there are people in the world who live healthy happy lives over 100 years of age. And they have no gym memberships, no weekly spa treatments, no special low carb, low fat or low sugar diets, no personal trainers, no personal chefs, no personal therapists...just great seasoned, more senior than them, mentors?
- Did you know that health is a choice...that we make everyday with every decision we make? About what we eat, when we eat, and how we prepare what we eat. Whether we exercise or not, take time out or not, and what we do with our time out. About who we associate with, how we associate with them, and how we relate to what happens to us and around us. And it's about how passionately and compassionately we express ourselves (or not!), and how much service and contribution we provide (or not!)?
- Did you know that there is one simple question, and one simple affirmation, each done several times daily, that can completely transform your life...quickly?
So finally, and most importantly, here's the low down on the incredible bonuses you'll get when you invest in your copy (print or digital) of "The Stress To Success Formula":
In the coming months and years, we'll be creating and sharing an ongoing and constantly expanding wealth of unique, new and old, quick, easy and simple techniques, systems, processes, strategies, meditations, learning videos and webinars, cheat sheets, 30-day challenges, mobile and computer apps, and online and live event trainings, far beyond what we can fit into this little "stress to success formula" book. But with your tiny investment in "The Stress to Success Formula" you'll get priority access to all of this and so much more. Including our private online communities, where the support, from your peers, me and my team, will be beyond words incredible! And that's also where you'll get all of your urgent and burning questions answered within that supportive, compassionate environment...24/7.
As a result, you'll learn how to transform your life, career and business now - and receive all of the gifts described above - as well as all of "The Stress To Success Formula" Big Launch Bonus Gifts*...
Check out a few of our Rave Reviews...
“Dr. Marilyn Joyce has endured some of the most stressful and dispiriting experiences anyone can experience in today’s world. And yet, she has transformed that crucible into profound wisdom which gives you the keys to finding the sweet spot beyond stress. With her guidance in The Stress to Success Formula, you will rediscover your unbounded joy – the engine that creates all that you desire and dream of in life.”
~ Jackie Lapin, www.SpeakerTunity.com, author of Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques to Manifest Your Desires

“In this age of sensitivity overload, the seen and unseen stresses that are only in the perception of the beholder, can all be rewired for successful health and prosperity. The simple, practical formula and way of life detailed in the book “The Stress to Success Formula: T.R.A.N.S.F.O.R.M.™ Your life, Career and Business NOW!” will quickly resolve any stress related issues you may be experiencing, and begin your transformation to a more productive, happier, healthier life immediately. I highly recommend reading this book, if you’re serious about taking charge of the stress in your life, and creating the life you’ve always dreamed of.”
~ Michael W Gogger Sr, Intuitive Consultant for 40 years, Creator of MWG1 Talk Radio

"As a successful small business owner and dad with active stress issues in the family, I really appreciate Dr. Joyce's real-world approach to understanding and dealing with stress. Her insight is conveyed in a clear, understandable, actionable way that can help any reader T.R.A.N.S.F.O.R.M. their stress, no matter the source, no matter the scope, into a balanced and productive lifestyle. The most down-to-earth and helpful book I've read on making positive lifestyle changes to reduce stress."
~ Stan Bruckheim, President, Global Delivery Services, President, Latino Media Services

“Definitely a winning formula for transforming your life from stressed out, to a deep inner sense of happiness, joy and peace. This book is a must read for anyone who is looking for a simple, practical, effective and easy to implement, set of guidelines that address the whole you; body, mind and spirit. Dr. Marilyn’s lifetime of experiences, insights and wisdom provide the landscape for the simplicity of the exquisite guidance, mindfulness, compassion and love that breathes off every page into the reader’s soul. A must read for a healthy balanced life.”
~ Adam Markel, Best Selling Author of “Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life”, Reinvention Expert

“Dr. Marilyn Joyce is a force of nature when it comes to the simple tips we all need to be healthy, balanced, and of course, reduce our STRESS!! While she has an extensive knowledge base that is far above the average person, she consistently delivers life changing information that is accessible, understandable, and relatable to every human being. As a busy Mother of 3 young children, I can attest to the fact that this information is essential to anyone wanting to rebalance their lives and transform stress into a calm and productive state of being. I am constantly in awe of her ability to deliver life shifting information with ease and grace. I will absolutely be recommending this book to my clients, colleagues, and friends."
~ Brittney Kara, Author, Speaker, Healthy Living Expert, Activist

"The Stress to Success Formula” is a must read in this fast paced, demanding and out of control world we now live in. Not surprisingly, this book is destined to be a bestseller when written by Dr. Marilyn Joyce who is one of the most giving and genuine people I have had the pleasure of knowing. Armed with a lifetime of experience and wisdom, as well as a dedication to excellence in serving her followers, Dr. Marilyn Joyce has put the most comprehensive stress manual together. Whatever your current level of stress, you need this book as stress is a part of life - whether good stress or bad stress."
~ Dave Sheahan, Author "Metabolic Stimulation System", Vegan Triathlete, Body for Life Champion, Speaker & Mind/Body/Health Expert

“This book is fantastic! Dr. Marilyn Joyce shows you how to find calmness in your life. Anyone who has ever experienced, or is experiencing, stress (really, who isn’t?) will benefit from the practical and entertaining wisdom packed into this inspirational little book. Enjoy!”
~Henry J. Evans, Author of, “The Hour A Day Entrepreneur”, www.GetClearMarketing.com

“Honest, personal and balanced. "The Stress to Success Formula" by Dr. Marilyn Joyce, is a guide out of torment and a pathway to peace. A well written, insightful map of wisdom that will nurture the reader, step by step, on how to move toward the ultimate goal of life... which is to fulfill our destiny. Dr. Marilyn gently suggests our destiny is meant to be embraced with vision, conviction and action - certainly not held at bay because of worry or fear. It is because of this book that the C-VINE News Network has given Dr. Joyce her own show in order to further guide our audience to optimal, stress-free, whole person health. I enthusiastically recommend this book; it is definitely well worth the read.”
~ Linda Forsythe (CEO) C-VINE News Network

About the Author

Dr. Marilyn Joyce, The Vitality Doctor™
In 1985, when at the peak of her career and feeling like she had achieved the ultimate success, Dr. Marilyn Joyce was blindsided when she was diagnosed with melanoma, and within a week’s time of being released from the hospital, was rushed back in again and diagnosed with stage four uterine cancer.
She was only 35 years old! Utterly shocked and dismayed, she wrestled with unimaginable denial, anger, resentment, frustration, and overwhelming feelings of being a helpless victim. In her effort to combat this traumatic set of events, and while endlessly seeking and searching for solutions, leaving no stone unturned, Dr. Marilyn found herself just four years later, while still in search of her magic bullet, instead, in a wheelchair at 88 pounds given less than two weeks to live.
Completely spent, she had no energy for anything…including walking! And, as if the cancer itself wasn’t enough, the added stress and anxiety of searching for – and trying – every new treatment available had definitely taken its toll!
She was stressed out, tired out, frustrated, anxious and depressed…and in constant pain
At that point, the miracles began! She found her magic bullets…and her journey back to health took off…
Since recovering from those challenging cancer years, and with immense gratitude for this gift of life, Dr. Marilyn has poured her heart and soul into learning everything she can about creating a simple, easy, practical and quick to implement formula for living a stress-free, high energy, productive life that is filled with peace, love, happiness and joy (…for the vast majority of the time), and how it can be implemented simply within 5-minute segments throughout the day.
Now 28 years later, Dr. Marilyn is one of the world’s leading experts in how to transform your Troubles into Triumphs, thus turning your Stresses into Successes!
Dr. Marilyn Joyce RD., The Vitality Doctor™, is an Internationally acclaimed speaker, writer, radio and television personality. She is one of the world’s leading authorities on whole person (Body-Mind-Spirit) nutrition and lifestyle in the prevention and the overcoming of stress and stress-related conditions, as well as the illnesses that can manifest, especially cancer.
For over 40 years, Dr. Joyce, Registered Dietitian has been inspiring audiences around the world as an inspirational keynote speaker and motivational seminar leader. Having been featured on such diverse shows as, Doctor to Doctor, Leeza, Montel Williams, Maury Povich, Jenny Jones and Essentials on PBS, as well as hundreds of other media appearances including radio and print, she has touched hundreds of thousands of lives.
Her clients, past and present, have included Xerox, the FBI, Girl Scouts, Boeing, UCLA, Scripps Medical Center, Sloan-Kettering, The American Cancer Society, the Wellness Community Centers and Peak Potentials.
A five-time cancer survivor, Dr. Marilyn Joyce is also the former Director of Nutrition for The Cancer Treatment Centers of America and author of the bestselling books: 5 Minutes to Health, I Can’t Believe It’s Tofu, and INSTANT E.N.E.R.G.Y.™: The 5 Keys to Unlimited Energy & Vitality!
NOTE: To inspire and inform your audiences, and to book Dr. Marilyn Joyce for your shows and speaking engagements, simply send an email with the name of the show, or event, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and any other pertinent details to: DrMarilynJoyce@gmail.com
So, why wait? Invest in Your Stress Free, Energized, Peaceful, Joyfully Productive and Happy Life Now! And let's not forget...Lots of FUN!!!
Why put off transforming your life, career, and business for even one day longer? Get your copy of "The Stress to Success Formula" on Amazon today - and start transforming your life within the next 24 hours! Especially with the added Bonus package - and all of the supportive goodies still to come! (Send us your purchase receipt [drmarilynjoyce@gmail.com] so we can add you to the list of lucky VIP subscribers who are always ahead of the curve when it comes to Stress Free Living...)