Transform Your Troubles into Triumphs And Your Stresses into Successes…Publishizer Crowdfunding Campaign
And in Only…5 Minutes At A Time!

Click Here to go straight to Publishizer Crowdfunding Page
Hi My Dear Friend, Can I Run Something by You?
If you’ve ever been so depressed you didn’t want to get out of bed, or worse, on the verge of suicide, you know it’s a pretty scary place to be. You’re constantly in Survival Mode and you’re not sure whether you can stand to live through another day this way. Life just isn’t worth living.
I know! I’ve been there… and have seen the realities that face the tens-of-thousands of people who are suffering through this anxiety, stress, and depression cycle on a daily basis. It’s not a pretty sight. However, for me giving up was just not an option.
But as we know that’s not always the case, based on the soaring suicide rates today, not only in the US but globally. Kids, adults, returning vets, seniors, healthcare providers, dentists and attorneys alike. Read the stats here:
However, suicide does not have to be an option for the obstacles we face in life. Obstacles are a part of life. And in conquering those obstacles, we get to pick up the gifts that come with overcoming the obstacles. Without obstacles, there are no gifts!
First off, I don’t have all the answers…but I have a few. Survival of homelessness, 20 years of eating disorders, and then stage 4 cancer five times, has afforded me the chance to share my secrets for not just surviving, but thriving, with hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people over the past 50+ years.
And in reality, all it takes is “one right answer” to surface, be recognized, and implemented, and then the entire concept of the problem changes. Even this problem with the massive numbers of our population suffering from depression, and the epidemic rates of suicide globally.
Since this campaign is only live for 30 days and there is a limited supply of bonuses, there is a bit of urgency right now. Believe me, I’m not faking this urgency as is done by many online promoters. You can see for yourself on the linked page the number of days remaining. (
As you may know, I’ve written a life-saving book on “The Stress To Success Formula” and I’m doing a campaign to attract a lot of credible publishers…for both philanthropic as well as personal reasons.
Click on this link to download and read more details on both of these missions.
Or if you would rather read it online Click Here.
(And the campaign is now in its final few days…and you know how fast those days fly by!).
The more books sold, the more publishers it will be pitched to…
I’m shooting for 1000 books pre-sold by October 30th, for the greatest potential to attract the best possible caliber of publishers…and I’m not there yet!
But after surviving homelessness, eating disorders and stage 4 cancer I believe in miracles!
And “The Stress To Success Formula” has gotten great feedback from early readers, for which I am eternally grateful (see a couple of the great reviews below, and many more at the linked crowdfunding page below).

I know you’ll love what you see when you visit our Crowdfunding page at And I’ll be over-the-moon delighted to serve you with all of my heart and soul, and to the best of my ability…whichever Bonus Package you select that best fits you and your family’s needs, your company’s needs, your hospital’s or clinic’s needs, or your school’s needs.
Have a great week and let’s transform your stresses into your successes…5 minutes at a time!